Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Media Madness

Darren Hardy, publisher of Success Magazine pretty much says it well in this video. In fact, he said it better than I did yester-day.



Monday, March 22, 2010


Last Saturday we had the Vernal Equinox, which means for those in the Northern Hemisphere it is Spring, and for those in the Southern Hemisphere it means Autumn.

However, as one who lives in the North, the theme of to-day's post will be that of one who is living in the season of Spring.

Springtime here means blossoming of flowers, green returning to the grass and trees, and unless you're an allergy sufferer, it is a beautiful time.

Spring is also a good metaphor for Human Growth as well. As a gardener cultivates his garden, so too should we cultivate our own inner gardens. Seeds were planted and now beginning to show signs of growth. One does not plant the seed and go back two days later and dig it up to see if it has taken root. So it's been with goal setting for me. I've written out 8 major goals I would like to accomplish within a timeframe of 1 to 5 years. I've written them out, and I need to do constant, steady work to accomplish them. Will they happen overnite? No, but I need to be ready for the time when the opportunity comes for me to get to where I want to go.

Gardens also grow people as well. Now, if you plant a bed of vegetables, what will also grow without any effort on your part? WEEDS! So one must constantly tend the garden, pulling up weeds. So too with MIND weeds. You must recognize when they come and pull them up from the root before your garden is overrun. So in one's Garden of the Mind, one needs to nourish it.

That means for me NO Broadcast television, not even the news. If something really important happens, someone will tell me about it and I'll go to Google News or another news aggregator and learn more. As you don't exist on a physical diet of candy and sweets, so too must you stay away from excessive consumption of mind candy. Do I say cut it out? No, you can read a lightweight "beach novel" or watch an occasional episode of so-called "reality" T-V, just don't make it ALL you read and watch. Read books and magazines and blogs that STIMULATE and CHALLENGE you. Watch inspiring documentaries and seminars by the great people, people you want to emulate.

And don't forget that other aspect of nourishment, that of an active spiritual life. Again, watch your diet. Don't listen to a steady diet of spicy hellfire and damnation if you don't obey god and toe the line, and also don't go to the other extreme where you find cotton-candy theology of just think good positive thoughts and god will make you rich! No and No! Have a spiritual life that has some rigor to it, that challenges you. And don't blindly follow the minister, priest or teacher. Study for yourself! Ask questions and make up your OWN mind.

Be An Extraordinary Life!


Friday, March 19, 2010


No, I'm not YELLING here in the title of to-day's message, this is an important video everyone who is serious about real recovery from addictions should view:

The all-caps is the video's title.

This week-end I'll talk about how I finally ended a 30+ year addiction to alcohol for good.

Be An Extraordinary Life!


Thursday, March 18, 2010

What Could Make You A Better Friend?

To-day's Question:

You're already a great friend to many, but what, in your view, could make you a better one? Would you call people more? Listen? Share more of your life?

I would say that I need to be less self-conscious of myself and be more giving to others.

In the past, I have tended to isolate myself from others, not look people in the eye because I felt that they were going to judge me and not like what they see. HOWEVER, I have to remember those wise words I read once (can't remember who said it) that said most people are thinking about themselves and don't give a rip about you. Now, that refers to people I see on the street, all my friends & family are actually very caring people. I just have to get out of myself more.

That means logging onto Facebook more and connecting with the folks there and in the groups. Sharing of myself? Well, this blog (my third one, actually) is a step in the right direction. I got four more days of staycation left before I get back to work (which I'm actually looking forward to) and I HAVE to get my website built to a high standard I have set for myself.

Have an Extraordinary Day!


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

How I Made The Body-Mind Connection

Hello everyone!

For my debut post, I am featuring an article I wrote for the March 2010 issue of the Power N' Support Team Newsletter, which is part of a peer support/advocacy group I am involved with.


Recovery Happens

How I Made The Body-Mind Connection

By Tim J. Swank

I had thought it was a part of getting older...a little bit more gut than I would've liked. But as it turned out it wasn't just a big gut, it was a hernia. Three of them, in fact.

Although I thought I was in recovery, I wasn't taking good care of my body. This was a wake-up call that I'd better change...and now!

So in August 2009 I underwent hernia repair surgery. They cut me open and inserted a mesh to reinforce the abdominal wall that had collapsed. I had the surgery on a Friday and stayed in the hospital over the week-end and was released on Sunday after-noon.

It was expected that I would take some time to recover, maybe two weeks.

But I had another idea. I had been taught that the quality of my thinking determines the quality of my life, so I made the decision I would recover quickly. So I took it easy Monday and Tuesday, not going anywhere. On Wednesday I walked the 3 blocks from my apartment to the Library and by Friday I was able to walk the one and a half miles to work so I could turn in my timesheet.

I was back to work on Monday. My co-workers were amazed that I was able to rebound quickly after major surgery. I wasn't. I held as a certain fact that as I changed my mind, I was able to make bodily changes.

Besides taking vitamin & mineral supplements, a good dose of MIND VITAMINS is needed as well--"Vitamin H" (Hope) & "Vitamin O" (Optimism)

My message is that when you make the decision to make changes in your life, you literally change your body's chemistry, making healing happen. But it is only YOU that can make it happen.

Focus on health, happiness and abundance. Try it and see!